To which languages will Network Pinger be translated? Can I help?
Its developer is Portuguese (for those who don't know he's from that 900 year old country next to Spain, the most western country in Europe), so because of that its first version was released in Portuguese, and it was immediately translated to English. Although its developer is fluent in other languages like Spanish also, his daily lack of time doesn't allow him to dedicate too much time doing new translations. So the main idea is this:
Being the English version ready and available, from that version all of you can translate it to any language that you might wish to. If you wish to participate somehow, you just need to ask me a list of words and sentences (around 600 lines with an average of two words each), and who knows maybe you can translate it to your own language in a quick and easily way, and if you wish to help on the translation of this website to your language also, I would thank you for the help, because this project wasn't made to be profitable but instead to help others, and for that reason its developer won't pay to 100 translators to translate its text to 100 languages.
So if you like to see this software on your own language, your help is very welcome here, and your names will be put on this software's help window as well as on its website so that you may be recognized for doing it, besides being another reference for your curriculums, specially for students or translation professionals.
The person (or persons) that translate this software to other languages, can participate also as moderators on a sub-forum dedicated to helping users on their own languages, because if a sub-forum is created on a language which the developer doesn't understand, its developer could never help those who speak on it.
So, if you want to participate on the translation of this project, you just need to send an email to its developer and you'll be very welcome, and you could be part of a new team, in a new project:

I have a question that should be in this F.A.Q. and it isn't, how do I get an answer?
You could put your question on our Forum, and besides being answered by the software developer and/or other users, the questions that are more frequently asked will be put in this F.A.Q. later.
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