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Help on Saving Reports

Introduction to Saving Reports

Here we will have explained in an easy way something that is pretty simple on the Network Pinger software: how to save reports. A page was created separately about this topic, because saving a report is something that can be done in all of the windows in this software, being something interesting to those who use this kind of software for professional reasons. Sometimes it is important to save the results of certain tests that we make in a file for later reading or studying, or to send to someone, or even for other working purposes, among other reasons, and that's what is going to be studied in this page.

How To Save a Report

To save a report, we can choose one of three possible ways: use the menu on the top of the window and select save, or clicking on the symbol with the small blue floppy disk which we can see here at right and on the toolbar at the top of the window also, or clicking with the mouse's right button on a text box of some window or in some tables, and choose the save option. All these will do the same thing, only what is going to be saved will change. On a text editor it will be its contents to be saved, and on a text box inside a window from the ping tool, mass ping tool, traceroute, or portscanner, it will be saved their contents together with the charts that exist on the window, while on the WMI queries window, name resolution window, and Whois window, as well as on the IP calculator tab on the main console window, only the contents on the text box will be saved.

But it can happen that some results can be saved that don't have a text box as an origin, as for example something saved from the mass ping window table, where it is allowed not only to save by clicking with the right mouse button on the table, as well as it is allowed to choose many different hosts on the table, by clicking with the left mouse button in each one of them and pressing the CTRL key simultaneously, and after choosing them, clicking on save and we would create a report with not only the charts but also the results only of the selected hosts from the table.

When we save a report, it is usually suggested to us by the software itself a quick name that allows us to save the file quickly without having to choose a name, since the software includes the date and time of the report creation on the name, and this way we already have a different name created for each file we save. On the initial example we can see that a report to a single ping had as suggestion a name of "Ping_report_networkpinger.com_2010-10-30_14h46.rtf". This way it is easy to save files with different names and effortless, and each one will have by default on its name the type of report it contains, being on the given example a ping to a host, as well as the date and time of that report included on the name.

We can always save the file in several file formats, having each one of them their own advantages and disadvantages, as we'll see below.

Allowed File Formats

As we can see, the freeware Network Pinger comes by default with three different types of possible formats for saving files, one of them is raw text, the other is the rich text file, and the last one is HTML, and here we have below some explaining about them, as well as something on how to create PDF files, something that is asked by many:

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Published on 13th March 2012